Internet of the future: .WTF, .LOL … and another 1,400 new domain zones

Ten years ago, the word Internet did not cause me any particular emotion, and I get along without it very easily. Today, any information, news, chat, dating, shopping, all the things that used to be in the “real world”, migrated to the network. It so happened that my work is related directly to the Internet. What to prevaricate, 10-12 hours I sit at the computer, looking at hundreds of sites per day.

So what I am is all I got used to the World Wide Web and become accustomed to its structure, ie. E. The addresses of sites with the extension COM, org, ua,, ru, less biz, info,, kiev. ua that are perceived as self-evident. Yes, there are other domain zones net, pro, tel, aero, mobi and hundreds of national domains, but they are clear, familiar.

But here, in 2012, the Corporation ICANN, regulates the Internet, announces its intention to expand the scope of the Internet and is now accepting applications for the creation of new domain zones. Do not know what to expect ICANN, but a total of 1,930 different organizations have filed applications for registration of new domains in 1409 (the cost of the application was left 185K! And this is just the application, not the fact that all get their domain zone, and some companies are so precisely in span, so there are a number of domains that are claimed by several companies).

The most popular domains have become .APP (in tune with the English word “application”) – his wish to register 13 candidates. Following are the domains .HOME (11 applications) and .ART (10 applications).

Fantasy applicants sometimes striking for its originality, in my opinion, there is a very great deals and simply absurd, about some of the new domains want to talk separately.